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Social Justices in Kurdistan

12/26/2023 11:13:00 PM

  Dr. Saman Shali

Social justice is the fair and equitable distribution of a society's resources, opportunities, and privileges. It incorporates the concept that all individuals should have equal access to fundamental human rights, and it strives to address and correct systemic and structural inequalities that might lead to discrimination and disadvantage for specific groups.

As in many other places, implementing social justice in Iraq's Kurdistan Region is influenced by numerous conditions and is a complex and evolving process. It should be noted that the level to which social justice is enforced changes throughout time, in different locations, and across populations within the region.

Essential principles and components of social justice include:

1. Equity: Social justice in Kurdistan must ensure that individuals are treated fairly and justly, regardless of their background, identity, or social status. It strives to eliminate disparities and inequalities in education, employment, healthcare, and legal rights.

2. Efforts to Promote Social Justice: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has made efforts to promote social justice and address issues of inequality, particularly concerning minority rights and the distribution of resources. These efforts have included policies to protect the rights and cultural heritage of minority communities in the region.

3. Challenges: However, like many regions, there have been challenges related to social justice. Issues such as economic disparities, access to education and healthcare, and the treatment of minority groups have been points of concern and debate.

4. Political and Social Dynamics: The political and social dynamics within the Kurdistan Region and the broader context of Iraq and the Middle East can influence the degree to which social justice is implemented. Political stability, governance, and external factors can all play a role.

5. Changing Circumstances: The situation in the region can change over time. Social justice efforts may evolve and adapt in response to changing circumstances, political changes, and shifts in public opinion.

6. Equal Rights: Social justice promotes the idea that all individuals should have the same legal and political rights in Kurdistan, such as the right to vote, the right to free speech, and the right to a fair trial.

7. Inclusivity: Social justice seeks to create inclusive and diverse communities where people of all backgrounds are valued, respected, and included. It opposes discrimination and prejudice based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability.

8. Local and Global Influence: Local and global factors often influence social justice. International organizations, NGOs, and global norms related to human rights and social justice can impact the region.

9. Resource Redistribution: Achieving primary equity in social justice in Kurdistan frequently entails policies and actions to redistribute wealth, income, and resources from those with more to those with less.

10. Human Dignity: Social justice recognizes and upholds every human being's intrinsic dignity. Its goal is to safeguard and promote human rights and dignity.

11. Racism: The elimination of racism is a human rights principle in every democratic society. The people of Kurdistan suffered from racism in their country. Therefore, they must fight racism at all levels to achieve social justice for all.

Social justice is a vast and changing notion with different applications based on cultural, political, and historical settings. It is frequently related to combating poverty, injustice, and inequality and defending vulnerable and underprivileged communities. In many countries, social justice is a core principle. It directs the creation of laws, regulations, and initiatives to make the world more equitable and just.

In summary, implementing social justice in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is an ongoing and complex process. Efforts have been made to promote social justice and address various issues related to inequality and discrimination. However, challenges exist, and the situation can vary across different aspects of society. Social justice is a multifaceted and evolving concept, and its success depends on the collaboration of governments, civil society, and the international community. There will be no social justice if there is no independent justice system without the influence of any individual or political party.


Saman Shali has a Ph.D. in Science (1981) from the University of Sussex. Dr. Shali worked as an Assistant Researcher and Assistant Professor at the University of Sussex, King Saud University, and Pennsylvania State University. He is also a senior fellow at the Mediterranean Institute for Regional Studies.