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Developing the public sector: What should the Kurdistan Regional Government do?


10/25/2023 8:56:00 PM

(Part 4)

 By Dr. Saman Shali


Improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness of government institutions and services is part of developing the public sector. A well-functioning public sector is critical for economic progress, social welfare, and good governance. Here are some essential strategies and considerations for public sector development:

1. Transparency and Accountability:

  • Establish mechanisms for transparency, such as open data initiatives and public access to government information.
  • Implement accountability measures to hold public officials and institutions responsible for their actions and announce their names after their corruption is proven according to the law so that they can serve as an example to others.

2. Efficient Resource Management:

  • Improve budgeting and financial management systems to allocate resources and avoid wasteful spending properly.
  • Conduct regular audits to ensure fiscal responsibility and an announcement of monthly incomes and expenses on the Ministry’s website to support transparency and increase trust between the government and the people.

3. Capacity Building:

  • Invest in training and development programs for public sector employees to enhance their skills and expertise to keep up with progress in the world.
  • Promote a culture of continuous learning and professional development for government employees.

4. Streamlined Bureaucracy:

  • Simplify administrative procedures and reduce bureaucratic red tape to make government services more accessible and efficient.
  • Implement e-government initiatives to digitize and automate the system to serve people better and eliminate administrative corruption.

5. Infrastructure Development:

  • Invest in infrastructure, including roads, utilities, and digital infrastructure, to support economic growth and development.
  • Develop long-term infrastructure plans to address future needs.

6. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):

  • Consider PPPs to leverage private sector expertise and resources in delivering public services and infrastructure projects.
  • Ensure transparent and accountable processes for PPPs according to the law to ensure justice for this partnership.

7. Decentralization:

  • Devolve decision-making authority and resources to local governments to promote local development and citizen engagement.
  • Strengthening the ability of local governments to manage their affairs effectively. This ability creates an atmosphere of competition between local governments to serve their citizens in all fields.

8. Service Delivery:

  • Enhance the quality and accessibility of public services, including education, healthcare, transportation, electricity, and social services.
  • Ensure that services are responsive to the needs of citizens without discrimination.

9. Innovation and Technology Adoption:

  • Embrace technology to improve service delivery, enhance government operations, and promote digital inclusion.
  • Encouraging innovation within the public sector and the private sector to encourage talent in both sectors.

10. Anti-Corruption Measures:

  • Implement and enforce anti-corruption laws and regulations vigorously in all state facilities from the top of the pyramid to the bottom.
  • Establish independent anti-corruption bodies to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption.

11. Legal and Regulatory Reforms:

  • Review and update laws and regulations to ensure they are transparent, fair, and conducive to economic growth and social development.
  • Remove outdated or conflicting regulations that only serve the state.

12. Public Finance Management:

  • Strengthen fiscal responsibility by adopting sound financial management practices, including effective debt management and revenue collection.
  • The financial administration failed to reduce debts despite the increase in income from the sale of oil and local income from increased taxes and fines. It also failed to collect internal revenues.

    13. Citizen Engagement:

  • Fostering citizen participation in policymaking through public consultations, town hall meetings, and feedback mechanisms through government sites.
  • Promoting education and civic awareness for employees in the public sector to serve citizens and enhance confidence in the public sector.

    14. Social Inclusion:

  • Develop policies and programs that address inequalities and promote social inclusion.
  • Ensure that vulnerable and marginalized populations have access to public services and opportunities.

15. International Cooperation:

  • Collaborate with international organizations and donors to access technical assistance and funding for public sector development projects.

Developing the public sector is an ongoing process that requires strong leadership, political will, and a commitment to serving the public interest. It involves balancing government intervention and market forces to create an environment that promotes economic growth, social welfare, and good governance.


Previous Parts : 





Saman Shali has a Ph.D. in Science (1981) from the University of Sussex. Dr. Shali worked as an Assistant Researcher and Assistant Professor at the University of Sussex, King Saud University, and Pennsylvania State University. He is also a senior fellow at the Mediterranean Institute for Regional Studies.