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How to manage State administration and politics?

Policies and decisions should be based on evidence, data, and expert advice rather than emotional or impulsive reactions.
Reports & Papers

8/13/2023 11:44:00 PM

By Dr. Saman Shali


Ideally, state administration and politics should not be managed with hatred or personal interest. Instead, they should be guided by principles of good governance, public welfare, and the nation’s and its citizens’ well-being. The purpose of state administration is to efficiently and effectively implement policies, deliver public services, and uphold the rule of law. At the same time, politics should focus on constructive debates, compromise, and solutions to societal challenges.

Here are some main principles that should guide state administration and politics:

1. Public Service Orientation: Those in positions of power should view their roles as public servants, dedicated to serving the best interests of the people they represent rather than advancing personal agendas or enriching themselves.

2. Ethical Conduct: All actors in state administration and politics should adhere to high ethical standards, demonstrating integrity, honesty, and transparency in their actions and decisions. Their conduct should not be based on personal or political gain.

3. Rule of Law: The state should operate under the rule of law, where laws and regulations are applied equally to all citizens without discrimination, favoritism, or prejudice. No one should be above the law, whatever his/her status.

4. Inclusivity and Representation: Political decisions should be inclusive and representative of diverse voices within society, ensuring that the concerns of all segments of the population are heard and considered. They must understand that their decision should not be based on the majority or minority because we have seen how the people of Kurdistan suffer from it in the Iraqi parliament.

5. Collaboration and Compromise: Effective governance requires collaboration and a willingness to compromise among political parties and stakeholders to find common ground and work towards the collective good.

6. Long-Term Vision: State administration and politics should be driven by long-term vision and planning rather than short-term gains or electoral cycles.

7. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Policies and decisions should be based on evidence, data, and expert advice rather than emotional or impulsive reactions.

8. Respect for Human Rights: The state should protect and promote human rights, ensuring that the dignity and freedoms of all individuals are respected and upheld.

Unfortunately, politics can sometimes be influenced by personal interests, power struggles, and negative emotions like hatred. This interest can lead to divisive and polarizing politics that hinder progress and undermine the public’s trust in their leaders and institutions. Overcoming these challenges requires a commitment to ethical leadership, institutional reforms, and active engagement by civil society in holding leaders accountable.

Ultimately, the goal should be to create a political culture where leaders prioritize the greater good over personal interests and work together to address their nation’s complex challenges in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.


Saman Shali has a Ph.D. in Science (1981) from the University of Sussex. Dr. Shali worked as an Assistant Researcher and Assistant Professor at the University of Sussex, King Saud University, and Pennsylvania State University. He is also a senior fellow at the Mediterranean Institute for Regional Studies- MIRS.